Telangana Educations

The population of Telangana region accounts for almost half the total population of Andhra Pradesh state. The literacy rate of Andhra Pradesh is 61.11%which is less when compared to other southern neighboring states. The poor performance of A.P is due to lack of adequate facilities in the state due to meager allocation of funds for education, which is shown below comparing with other states.
State Wise Literacy Rate:
Andhra Pradesh61.11
State allocation of funds:
Andhra Pradesh6.45
As the above mentioned was the scenario of literacy rate and allocation of funds in Andhra Pradesh when compared to other states, the biased allocation of funds to Telangana region is seen worse which is reflected in literacy rate which is only 54% when compared to 60% in Rayalseema and 67% in Coastal Andhra Pradesh.
In Andhra Pradesh near about 27.50 Lakh boys and 28.50 Lakh girls representing 38% of the children in the eligible age group were yet to be enrolled. Due to non-availability of required education facilities, even the schedule caste and schedule tribes students are not getting required educational facilities. The literate percentage is 14.51% to 24.60% in schedule caste and 3 to 7.55% in schedule tribes in Telangana region.
The injustice done to Telangana on education can be seen from the allocation of funds. In Telangana region only 30 to 31% of allocated funds were spent where as in Andhra Pradesh 68 to 70% were spent on education, when the population of two regions is almost equal. Infact, as an under developed and backward region much attention should have been given to Telangana region.
The below given chart clearly depicts region and area of population.
Coastal Andhra33.7541.46
The primary and upper primary schools are managed by government/local bodies viz, Mandal Parishad, Muncipalities, Private Management with assistance from government towards payment of salaries.
Out of the total expenditure of 5291.17% crores for the year 1995-96 to 1999- 2000 only Rs.1151.42% crores (21.76%) was the direct govt. expenditure and Rs. 4139.75 crores (78.24%) through grants-in-aid.
The funds provided under central govt. sponsored schemes were lying in current/saving bank accounts in the shape of fixed deposits, without utilizing these funds for implementation of the schemes. As a result, the target of 100% enrollment by 2000 was realized between 54 to 63%. The percentage of enrollment of SC and ST children has decreased by 3%.Large scale diversion of scheme funds to the tune of 78.60 crores were noticed and Rs 38.15 crores were kept un-utilized in the personal deposit account of A.P Residential Education al Institutions Society.
The survey of enrollment in government and private schools especially in urban area is glaring and indicates that the enrollment in government schools is less than half of the enrollment in private schools.
The programme on primary education was not efficiently managed by the government. Expenditure control system was non-operational. Large amounts of plan funds were not spent. The percentage of children actually attending schools remained stagnant. Dropout rates of children especially S.C. /S.T. children were very high. Nearly half of the S.C. children and two-thirds of S.T. children enrolled did not reach class V.
The below given bar chart gives clear picture of the state of primary education, number of schools, enrollments and teachers recruitment as against the population.
Primary Education
Coastal Andhra41.69%45.62%45.05%48.16%
Diversion of DPEP funds for other purposes was found on large scale. This was pointed out by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. It was pointed out several times that diversion of funds has become a regular phenomenon and funds are being diverted to other programmes.
The below chart gives clear picture of the state of college education, number of colleges, enrollments and teachers recruitment as against the population.
College Education
Coastal Andhra41.69%38.68%40.29%42.85%
Operation Black Board scheme was launched in 1987 by Government of India to provide class rooms, drinking water facilities and creating additional course etc. but under this scheme 2000 class rooms are not completed so far, and the student’s class room ratio was 83 to 89 in rural areas. Instead of appointing more number of teachers, as many schools were run by a single teacher, the govt. sanctioned more number of posts of head masters for existing schools in rural areas. This resulted in payment of higher salaries under the scheme but the object remained unfulfilled as no additional teachers were appointed.
When it comes to higher education, only two medical colleges are in Telangana, while there are six in Andhra region, out of 72 Govt. ITI’s only 26 are in Telangana. Out of 91 Polytechnic colleges in the state, 70 are in Andhra and only 20 are in Telangana.and only two universities in Telangana region. Many a number of private colleges have surfaced with little facilities in each and every revenue mandal. Now adyas education has become a prime and most profitable business.
The literacy rate in Telangana when compared to other parts of the state is shown clearly in the table given below.
Literacy Rate
All Coastal Andhra71.38%55.69%63.58%
Literacy rate in Telangana Districts is as shown below:
Ranga Reddy66.31